Company Profile

Onelook Systems Ltd

Building 2, Fota Business Park, Carrigtwohill, Co.
Pat King
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Telephone Number:
021 488 3084
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OneLook Systems is a provider of a number of software products designed to improve the safety and compliance of workers. OneLook Systems clients are primarily muti-nationals across a range of industry verticals:
High Tech Manufacturing
Food & Beverage
OneLook Systems develop software to address the major areas of time waste and inefficiency in the processes used to control contractors on site and the work carried out to maintain operations within highly regulated industries.

This inefficiency comes from time consuming paper based processes in the areas of visitor management, permit to work authorisation, contractor qualification and insurance maintenance and audit preparation.

OneLook FrontDoor streamlines the process of bringing people onto your site, obtaining a permit to work, checking qualifications and insurance requirements, and provides a comprehensive suite of reports that allow you to easily identify what is working correctly and what can be improved.

1) Centralised Visitor Management
Centralised visitor management streamlines the process of visitors coming on site for staff and security.

2) Permit to Work
FrontDoor is configured with your business rules, ensuring that any work requiring a permit is completed in a manner compliant with your company's standards and best practices.

3) Insurance & Qualification Management
When insurance and qualification records are stored in FrontDoor, it allows a user to control what contractors are qualified to be on site and what type of work they are allowed to perform.

4) Business Intelligence
System reports can be generated for work planning, site audits, safety reviews, and contract company negotiations.

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