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O3 Sanitise Solutions

Fran Boxwell
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O3 Sanitise Solutions was realised after witnessing first hand children being cross-contaminated at playschool with bacteria & viruses such as coughs, cold's, flu's, whooping cough and even conjunctivitis which led to prolonged absences from playschool, thus putting pressure on parents to take unpaid time off from work or forced holidays. Also, the cross-contamination affected the staff of the playschool's with high absenteeism through sickness, therefore costing the playschool's money. We even saw first hand, reports of 2 children being hospitalised after an E. coli bug outbreak in 2019.

When we researched the marketplace, we realised that so many industries such as creches, playschools, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, sports & leisure and the hospitality sector which includes restaurants, fast food outlets and hotels, transport and construction were all affected by absenteeism through work related illnesses from poor hygiene. We found that 99.9% of industries carried out regular sanitising with hand gels and disinfectant surface sprays, but unfortunately these were only superficially holding back the bacteria & viruses.

We found that sanitising by tightly controlling ozone concentration was the best solution and was offered by no one. Based upon this research we designed a cabinet in which every industry could now sanitise items with up to 100% effectiveness in most cases based upon the best-known sanitising practices in those industries and so O3 Sanitise Solutions was born.

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